Mara Gardner

Peter met Anthony through their collaboration on projects for NewAngle, the museum and heritage digital design agency Peter established.  Although I wasn’t there at the time I am pretty sure they quickly bonded over great ideas and content for their sector.  But more so for the love of a good yarn, warm conversation and a good pint.  The two tentpoles of the year for them were the cider festival held every year at the Pineapple, Anthony’s home away from home, as well as the Camden Beer Festival where Peter reigned.    Anthony probably didn’t know this, but he was the first friend of Peter’s I met when we joined him at the Pineapple for the cider festival and it was a good start.  Peter and I always enjoyed his and Ellie’s delightful company and good laughs- we had many lovely times together.  The annual Robert Burns dinner was a great evening every year too – my first encounter with haggis.  Anthony read a Robert Burn’s poem at our wedding with a somewhat dodgy Scottish accent – but the nice thing was he was so delighted to do it!    Not to be too sentimental, but I would like to believe he and Peter are meeting up with their favourite tipple and once again enjoying convivial conversation and sharing stories.  I will miss Anthony.

Mara Gardner